Heirloom Turnip SEVEN TOP 100 seeds


Introduced in 1845, Seven Top turnips are grown solely for their flavorful and nutritious greens and have been a favorite for centuries, especially in salads. The greens are also sensational steamed like spinach or beet leaves. Thanks to their quick growing time, Seven Top turnips are a great candidate for successive sowings. Start a crop early in the spring as soon as soil can be worked, and again in late summer for a hardy autumn crop.

While this turnip's roots will be tough, woody, and inedible, the impressive greens more than make up for it. They're 18-24 inches long, leafy and lush, and packed with all sorts of nutrition. Like vitamin K and calcium to help strengthen bones and powerful antioxidants to prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and protect eye health and cognition.

Younger, smaller leaves can be harvested in as little as 45 days, with mature leaves ready about 3 weeks later.

(12 in stock)